Thursday, January 29, 2009

Standing Together to Help Our Nation and Our World

Like millions of others, I watched President Barack Obama give his inauguration speech this past Tuesday. In a time of such uncertainty, I wanted to hear his plans for our nation and our world. But as the president and founder of Feed The Children, I specifically wanted to know his plans for the hungry and suffering.

Here’s what he said, "To the people of poor nations, we pledge to work alongside you to make your farms flourish and let clean waters flow; to nourish starved bodies and feed hungry minds."

Regardless of whether you voted for him or not, President Obama has pledged to stand beside you and I and help us reach the world's suffering children. While I’m grateful for his support, I know the government can only do so much. This is a big job and it will take every one of us pulling together to make a real, lasting difference.

As world economies tumble, more people than ever before are finding themselves at the end of their rope. Never before has the work of Feed The Children been more vital to families very survival. If our nation, let alone our world, is going to rally and overcome these dire times, our first step is to reach out and let people know we care. Who knows, someday one of the very children we help might one day be President, if just given the chance to survive and succeed.

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