Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Long, Hard Road Ahead

As a child, I remember my parents talking about their childhood. The hard times and their struggles. Hardships were plenty and went on for years. My father was just a young man when he went to work for the Civilian Conservation Corps as a cook. He would send his paycheck home just to keep the farm from being foreclosed. Today, those memories come flooding back because our country is in turmoil. Words like recession, even depression, are on the minds of everyone.

And now our election day has just past. Now America is pinning their hopes on our President elect. He himself has already said that it is going to take time to change the economic climate in America and has stated that we have a long, hard road ahead.
Too many Americans have lost their homes, their jobs, their hope and their ability to feed their children. I pray for their sake that better days are to come. But rebuilding their lives, getting back what they’ve lost, will take time.

I predict that the next few years will be our busiest here at Feed The Children. However, we are busier today than we have ever been as calls are coming in from across the nation. Single parents, underpaid mothers and fathers are praying on their knees for food for their hungry boys and girls.

1 comment:

leanna said...

i hope your ministry flourishes in this time of need. as a single mother, i understand so many of the struggles we're facing. but i continue to be blessed with food on my table.